The City of Raleigh is continually tweaking their building permit policy for sheds. They do require a building permit for all size sheds. Even a shed that is delivered fully assembled is supposed to be permitted in all of NC. If the shed is 12 x 12 and under a zoning permit is required. If the shed has a dimension that exceeds 12ft a true building permit is required.
As of February 2023 the following rules for a shed in the City of Raleigh apply. Per Article 6.7 Accessory Uses and Structures lots that are less than 40,000 SF sheds are required to be a minimum of 5ft from the side and rear property lines regardless of size or height. If a lot is over 40,000 SF sheds must be a minimum of 10ft from the side and rear property lines. Accessory Structures (sheds/garages/etc.) cannot exceed 50% of the homes floor area.
At Carolina Yard Barns we will pull the building or zoning permit for you. In order to pull a building or zoning permit with the City of Raleigh you must have a signed and sealed survey of your property. Carolina Yard Barns strongly advises all new homeowner’s to have their property surveyed and impervious surface calculated before you close on the home.
The process for obtaining a zoning or building permit with the City of Raleigh is a very detailed process and the permits are the most expensive in the area. Carolina Yard Barns pays the permit fees when the permit is applied for and we will add these fees to your final invoice.
The City of Raleigh zoning permit is approximately 15 pages long. In order to start the process for the zoning permit we will need a copy of your property survey and a second copy of your property survey with the shed hand drawn on the survey and it notated how far from the side and rear property lines the shed will be located. We will pull up your home on and check to see how your a zoned and if you have well or septic on your property. If you have septic on your property we will first apply to Wake County Environmental Health for approval. Sheds must be a minimum of 5ft from all aspects of the septic system. After Wake County Environmental Health approves the location of your shed we start the permit process with the City of Raleigh. For zoning permits we email the application and all supporting documents such as your survey and elevation drawings of the shed to the City of Raleigh. Once they upload the application to the permit portal we will have a tentative date of review. Once we have a review date we can schedule you for construction. After the shed has been built we will schedule a zoning inspector to come and verify that the shed is in compliance with City of Raleigh setback requirements. It is the customers responsibility to know where their property lines.
The City of Raleigh building permit is for sheds that have a dimension that exceeds 12ft. The permit process is very similar for a true building permit. The only difference is we also need to supply structural plans for the shed. This type of permit we upload directly to the City of Raleigh permit portal. Once they give us a review date we will schedule your shed for construction. During construction of your shed we will schedule various inspections as the shed is being constructed. You will need to caulk and paint your shed before the final building inspection can be scheduled.
Give us a call today if you have questions about the permit process in the City of Raleigh. 919-365-5555